Change is hard because people overestimate the value of what they have — and underestimate the value of what they may gain by giving that up.
James Belasco & Ralph Stayer
Change is a given in today’s world. Change many times requires a strategy and we are passionate about challenging the way people think about change, aligning them with where they want to go and identifying strategies along the way to ensure congruent vision, culture, goals, teams, strategies and outcomes to produce long lasting results, growth, KPI’s ad ultimate success.
Nic Henry Jones is a purpose-driven creative, passionate about ‘unlocking potential’. Her 15 years experience in running a Marketing Company, and working with hundreds of brands & individuals and over 200 speaking engagements and workshops, positions her with a unique understanding and insight into what is required to ‘unlock potential’ in individuals, businesses and organisations.
Nic is an Entrepreneur, Business Strategist and Thought Leader, Educator, Keynote Presenter, Consultant, Coach and Author passionate about meeting Individuals, Businesses and Organisations where they are at, and strategically moving them to where they need to be. A purposeful visionary and action taker, Nic has a unique ability to engage, empower and inspire people to be their best whatever the context. Nic is highly passionate about people, purpose, business, change and community.
Nic served as a Board Member on the Hills Christian Community School Board for 4 years playing an active role in the community, sitting on and chairing a number of working committees, and re-modelling the community model to suit the school’s need. Nic also supports Teen Challenge on a strategic marketing and communications level via Committees and working groups when required. She now sits on the Board for Agape Star Christian School in Uganda.
In February 2021, Nic was appointed as the General Manager of the Deborah Business Education Hub after being on the core team for 5 years driving the vision, outworking the strategy, and implementing everything required to bring all that The Deborah Conference and greater Business Education Hub are to life globally.

Nic Henry Jones is a Flinders NVI Entrepreneur Venture Dorm mentor that helps start-up Entrepreneurs take their business, product or service from idea to market validation in as little as 8 weeks.
It is a hands-on, immersive experience that’s perfect for all kinds of founders – including those who have a day job or are studying.
Venture Dorm is delivered in person at Flinders New Venture Institute at Flinders at Tonsley, with the option of joining in online via Microsoft Teams if necessary.

We would like to thank you for speaking at the inaugural 2018 Flinders Ranges Outback Forum. The sold-out forum was a great success which would not have been possible without the valuable contribution of guest speakers like yourself.
Feedback was well-received from delegates on your presentation & the high energy style and passion you shared in your delivery. There have been comments that identified some new thinking and reflection on the points you made which is fantastic.
Delegates summed the event up with “A terrific event! The material presented was interesting, and really valuable for us as we plan for longer-term development of our tourism program” and “Absolutely fantastic 2 days, full of great speakers, networking and great company“.
The Flinders Ranges and Outback hope to continue working with you in the future.
Jodie Gregg-Smith
Regional Director, Natural Resources SA Arid Lands

Christine Sharkey

What an incredible afternoon listening to the remarkable Nic Henry Jones share her wealth of skills and knowledge in all things business and marketing. Thank you for your infectious energy, your drive and willingness to go above and beyond to help others achieve their goals and give back. You are truly an inspiration.
Rabecka Stokes Elsworth
Business in Heels

Nicole recently spoke at our Servcorp Community Meets networking event here in Westpac House Adelaide. Nicole delivered a clear message about the importance and strategies around digital marketing with confidence and passion. Nicole is a great facilitator of audience engagement and we would recommend her as a solutions provider and/or guest speaker at any event.
Danielle Molenaar
Servcorp Adelaide

Nicole Jones is a leading marketer and true entrepreneur who is dedicated to helping small businesses succeed. Nicole has a large following of businesses both in Australia and overseas who know that when Nicole speaks, it's worth listening.
Nicole is a frontier in Business who is ahead of the game when it comes to new ways to get the message out. Her passion is filtering through all the information available and re-teaching it in a way that Individuals can digest.
In a world where there is new information to digest all the time, I know I can trust that Nicole has her finger on the pulse and can cut through the 'noise' to provide my business with effective help.
Juliet Pannozzo
Director, Ricochet Marketing

Nic strategically moves Individuals, Businesses and Organisations to where they need to be - I know because she has taken my vision for this multi-platform space.
I'm super grateful to be in the slip lane of this purposeful visionary and action taker and love how she has been unwavering in her encouragement and support to me.
If you’re looking to start or build or re-brand you won’t regret engaging with Nic Henry Jones. Best!
Rachel Titley
Rachel Titley Leadership

Nic Henry Jones your planning, engagement, organisation and presence was outstanding at our Team Business Development Day. Thank you.
Alison Shaw
CEO, SHAW Dispute Resolution

Nicole spoke at a Cancer Council Queensland Fundraiser over the weekend. She presented professionally, kept the audience super engaged, and had an amazing stage presence. It was an honour and privilege to work with Nicole at the event. I’d highly recommend her as a speaker, communicator and educator for any event.
Mark Timmins
MC, QLD Cancer Council Event

Just had a meeting with Nic from Market Me Marketing. Wow. I thought I was going to get some marketing advice for my school assembly shows. Instead she opened my mind to some very exciting ways to maximise what I'm doing and really make an impact in schools, taking lots of my random ideas and helping weave them together into a cohesive plan and vision. It's exciting because it means I'll have an opportunity to make an even bigger impact in the lives of kids and the cultures of schools than I'd ever thought of. Next year is going to be exciting!