Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better.”.
King Whitney Jr
Strategic Change, Culture & Alignment Consultancy for Individuals, Business & Organisations.
Change is…
Happening all around us, but as a society we don’t tend to manage it well. Coming out of a Pandemic, we see many Individuals, Businesses and Organisations simply unsure how to navigate not only an ever-changing societal climate, but also how to find their feet and use such seasons for benefit.
Change is power, flow, creativity and innovation. We are passionate about challenging the way we think about change.
Preconcieved ideas, perception and mindset around change is just the start. Being clear on how to navigate it is just as important. Confused people do nothing. Once we are clear on what needs to change, we can strategically plan our steps forward, and then engage an alignment strategy to bring change to fruition. The best part is, it’s never boring when all parties are engaged in the process, guiding and aligning culture, and working together to see the desired outcome achieved.
Strategic Change Consultancy, Implementation & Training
Time to challenge your teams to think differently about ‘change’? Needing to initiate change in your Business or Organisation but unsure where to start? Need to prepare your teams for upcoming change? See value in engaging your Teams and staff in Growth & Innovation but needing a third party to facilitate this? Ask us about our Strategic Change Workshops, Development Days & Consultancy Programs. We focus on the Strategy in change, while you focus on what only you can do.
Culture consultancy, audits, implementation & training
Alignment consultancy, business development, implementation & training
Alignment of culture, teams, strategy and systems is key in achieving flow and success in any individual life, business and organisation. Alignment coaching is a highly successful neuroscience-based coaching strategy, helping get clear on a long-term vision, identify what is out of alignment and by creating intentional shifts through mindset, habits, systems, team and culture, the facilitation of alignment begins to occur.
training, workshops, conferences, MC, HOST
Nic is a confident, engaging, vibrant, knowledgeable and interactive speaker who has presented at Conferences, Workshops, Masterclasses, Webinars, Cancer Council Fundraisers, Conferences and Personal Development events. She is regularly called on to present to the key players in Industries, and by local Councils to train their business owners. Her keynotes and presentations are created and tailored for the audience, type of event, and conference or workshop theme.